How is root canal therapy done in Mississauga? A dentist tells it all!
Root canal therapy is an endodontic treatment that is done to save an infected or damaged tooth. Generally, root canals are recommended when an infection goes deep into the tooth. The pulp or the damaged area needs to be removed so that it doesn't lead to severe problems. Many people have a misconception that root canals are unbearably painful and try to avoid it, which leads to further issues later on. If your dentist recommends you to get a root canal treatment done do not be afraid since there are step-by-step treatment guidelines to follow. How is the root canal treatment done? The first step to a root canal is to get an X-ray to check the shape of the root canal and signs of infection. The treatment will begin with the dentist injecting local anesthesia to numb the surrounding area. Next, the dentist will place a rubber sheet around the teeth to ensure that area is kept dry and free of saliva. The dentist will use small tools throughout the treatment but ...